Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Knee Deep in Prayer

Hello to the world of internet users!

I hope and pray that all is going well for you wherever you may be; and I hope that you are coming to know, understand and experience the surpassing love our Father has for each of us. He will never leave us, nor forsake us. God is good Amen?

Well let me spill a little about what is going on in my life. As I said last time I am heading up the Luther Peer Support program and Christian club while at the same time I have had the opportunity to speak in the chapel services at the school. This past time I spoke about the love the Lord intended us to have and how we have distorted that perfect image. I talked about how love doesn't give just a little but rather it gives everything. My hope for Luther is that we as body of students, young adults as well older maturer adults may be able to join together in an uproar of transformation from contentment to extraordinary.

As I am typing these words its difficult to describe the rush of emotions; both excitement and heartache that I am experiencing with this school, particularly today. It was unlike any other day; I got to the high school around 8:30 am and proceeded in my morning bible study. I did some photo copying and thought nothing of what was to come next. I met a young grade 11 student in the morning who I was accompanying for music during chapel; after singing through the chosen song a few times we began to make our way down to the chapel. As students filed in and me and this student said a prayer to calm our nerves the unthinkable happened. Out of the blew a former student, who had been expelled the year prior, came rushing into the gymnasium waving a gun around and threatening all those who came near. He was very aggressive in his speech and only fool couldn't tell that this kid is and was hurting. After demanding one of the teachers to read a letter aloud, the school began to realize what was actually happening; we had become hostages within our own walls. It is without doubt that God had his hand in this place, my prayers are that the students will not come to blame God but will rather give Him the praise He deserves for protecting everyone. Needless to say the gunman was "captured" and every student and teacher made it out of the building safely, with nothing but the shakes and some traumatizing memories.

So please, I beg you, everyone reading this take a few minutes to pray specifically for the following:
1. That God would take this uneventful situation and use it to glorify Him, and to bring students to their knees in a humble dependence on God. Recognizing that we are unable to provide for ourselves.
2. That God would will it in the hearts of these students to forgive the young man who decided to put the well-being of others on the line.
3.That this young man would come to know the love of God, and find peace in Him and Him alone. May he burn his bridges and start a new. Would God show His grace and Mercy to this young man and would he be captivated by our loving Father.

As my computer dies, let me remind you with these thoughts. God loves us so desperately, there is nothing more that He wants then for us to humbling come before His throne in boldness and humble dependence. God is good, not just sometimes but ALL the time. Please continue to pray for me, for strength and wisdom, humility and joy in this journey I seem to be walking. I Him I will find my strength.

With much love and a anticipated heart,
Rockin the West Coast
Ben Raine

Isaiah 40:28-31

28 Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.

29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;

31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Getting Started

As many of you already know, or are about to find out, I Benjamin James Raine am not attending Briercrest College and Seminary for the Fall semester of 2008. Shocking!!! I Know! Actually I am currently working on my internship at Luther College High School in Regina Saskatchewan, as a eclectic mixture or peer support coordinator, christian club leader as well as intern chaplain. The school is a private Christian school which is host to a number of international students who come from 18 different countries around the world. While this internship gets my heart racing and I feel like God has led me into the position I am currently in, it does not pass by without challenges and hardships. I know already, in my two short weeks of being at the school that God has big plans for many of the kids passing by through the halls. But I question and wonder... why me God? I'm incapable of doing anything good, I am sinful and am breaking constantly. But I have discovered that is the beauty with God. When we are broken, weak, and feeling like we can't go on any further thats when we finally release the binds on our own lives and allow God to do the work that He has planned. Its hard to wrap our minds around God and His plans, but ultimately when I am weak, He is strong. And my own independence on myself (my abilities) and in the things of the world is my own demise. When I let go and allow God, life glorious and I wonder.... Why do I continue to strive to think that I am capable of providing for myself things which are long lasting?

Anyways, all this is besides the point (sometimes I just get rambling...sorry!) As for the school if you all who are reading could be praying for God's glory to be revealed, and for young men and women to rise up in their faith and be spiritual leaders who want to strive to live a transparent Christian life. Pray that God would continually place the words on my lips that both the teachers, students and myself need to hear; that I would be equipped to live a life glorifying to God through the strength, passion and ability to serve the needy, lost and lonely He has placed in my life. And please pray that my human pride would not interfere the work that God has in the lives of His children. I thank-you all from the deepest pit of my heart-- all you are in my prayers

From the Baren land of Southern Saskatchewan