Monday, December 8, 2008
Love with roots that go deep...
"In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)
So the following blog was actually the notes that I used for one of my chapel sermonets. It was was a great opportunity to speak openly kids about the realities that daunt us with our Christian walk. While I talked about the love that God calls us to have, I also talked about what being a Christian is often viewed as, while looking in the scriptures with what God intended our lives to look like. The following are a few of the responses I got when I asked the question,
"When I talk about Christians what is your initial preception/ response?"
(please take these as they are, they are the thoughts of some of my students and I believe as Christians we need hear others for who they are and what they think-even if we disagree)
-Accept the Unaccepted
-Christianity brings people together through God’s power
-Christianity is initially good
-There is a promise for life after death
-Christians try to fix others where it is not needed
-Christianity has been misused
-Christians persecute others with good intentions
-It is a closed Religion
-Religion is hypocritical
We as Christians, have become identified as conservative, entrenched in our own thinking, antigay, anti-choice, angry, violent, illogical people who want to convert everyone, and generally cannot live peacefully with anyone who does not believe what they believe. Christians have become famous for what we oppose, rather than who we are for.
So I have a question for us then… ‘Do those people, who are not Christian, feel un-liked because of what they do, how they look, or what they believe? --do they feel minimalized-- or worse yet demonized by those who love Jesus?
Let’s not candy coat Jesus--- Some Christians respond to outsiders by promoting a less offensive faith. With this often the unpopular parts of the Christian teachings are omitted or de-emphasized. We candy coat Jesus by portraying Him as an open-minded, big hearted, and “never offending anyone” moral teacher. The Truth is that this is a totally wrong picture of Jesus, while He acted in love and compassion He also taught many remarkably tough truthes about human beings and about sin. Revelation 19 talks about Jesus’s second coming as being glorious and dangerous; or when He is on earth when He opposed religious leaders and spoke bluntly about peoples spiritual practises--- through events like these we see the strong and righteous side of Jesus. Candy coating or reshaping the gospel is the wrong response to the objections people raise.
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)
What God intended Christianity to look like
“Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul and with all of your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it; “Love your neighbour as yourself. All of the Law and Prophets hang on these commandments.” (Matthew 22:37 ff)
Men of the Law tried to trick Jesus (make Him slip up), But Jesus changes the rules of the Law, to the rules of love. The men knowledgeable in the law asked for the greatest commandment… but Jesus gave them both the first and second greatest commandment. Because He does this, it is important to view both of these commandments and take them to heart.
It is so important to be a faith servant to God, in prayer, fellowship, reading of the Bible, and serving others. If we sincerely love God with all our hearts, our outward actions will portray the love we have for Him.
The second greatest commandment is, love thy neighbour as yourself.
We need to the love the way Jesus loved
The Bible says, “there is no greater love than this, to lay down your life for your friend.” (Does this mean death, or giving ourselves in service to others)What does this look like---we need to fight for the weak---to defend them-- let’s not highlight the bad but look for good-- lets go out of our way to love those who are unlovable.
-It is not something we should do, it is something we need to do. I guarantee you that there are people in our community, even in our closest circles who are hurting.
-It is easy to love people from far away.
-We need to become people who serve one another. Jesus said if you want to become the greatest, than become the servant of all.
-We all need to love more-- because the fact is we don’t love like Jesus. Jesus cares about our relationship with Him, but He also cares about those who don’t know Him. Our greatest strength to showing others Christ, is our love.
-If the world saw Christians how we are suppose to be (love God and love others) How different would our world be?
I pray that you would take these words, be challenged and do not become hard-hearted. Lets come together as the body that Christ intended us to be. Lets turn our eyes upon God, give up our wants and our needs, and learn to glorify Him through the love that He calls us to bare.
With a heart for Gods Kingdom to come
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Ben, your blog is fabulous and such a blessing. We need to do coffee soon to catch up!
Praying for you and your internship!!
Ben - this post speaks so much truth! I find myself challenged by what you have written - yet incouraged.
When you said "let's not highlight the bad but look for the good-- lets go out of our way to love those who are unlovable" it reminds me of what I have been learning about fighting darkness. I think it applies to this. To try and fight darkness is an endless and tiresome task - because we are living in a dark world. But the way to do this is to bring light into the darkness - which is kind of like what you said - focusing on the good (light) instead of the bad (darkness).
1 John 1:5 tells us that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.. so by living in God - and relying on his strength to love 'the unloveable' that is bringing light into dark places.
Sorry to ramble - I just got excited. :)
Thank you for your obedience and for sharing what God is doing through you and in you. Be blessed!
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